The goal of theological education is for the lives of our students and teachers to become “congruent with that which is made known of God and that which is manifest by God through” Christ the Revealer of God.

This is a life-long goal. We readily acknowledge the interdependent nature of this goal of theological education. Our students enter the seminary with theological pre-understanding gain from many sources, and they continue to be taught truths about God in their churches, families, and by the Holy Spirit through the Word of God as they continue on their journeys of becoming more like Christ. The seminary instructors also have the distinct privilege of imparting theological understanding to our student during a formative time in their lives. We have the privilegeof helping our students grow to maturity—under God’s leadership and the accountability of the local church—so that they can function more effectively. And some day, for some of them,evenreplace us in the ranks of the faculty.

Keep your heart with all diligence;
for out of it flows the issues of life.
Proverbs 4:23

We are convinced that education is not merely intellectual.Scholarship without heartfelt convictions leads to pride (1 Cor. 8:1). Head, heart, and hands must be joined for effective learning to occur. Therefore we teach, not only aiming to reach the minds of our students but also their hearts and their lifestyles. We recognize and embrace the truth that our training must address issues related to the knowledge, attitudes and skills needed for effective ministry.